Together. We Continue to Celebrate!

Congratulations College of Business graduates!

You have completed a life-changing achievement. Wherever your next chapter takes you, we’re sure you’ll make us proud and show the world how a BizRam impacts the world around them. Go forth, start building your legacy and know that there are more than 34,000 College of Business alumni who are with you in spirit.

Proud to Be BizRams

Your journey to this milestone has been unique. You overcame your own personal, professional and academic challenges, but you surrounded by other Rams facing the same challenges. Together, you have accomplished your dream, and woven relationships to cherish for a lifetime.

Dean Walker’s Letter to Graduates

Dean Walker provides words of congratulations and encouragement to the Class of 2020.

Alumni share their congrats with 2020 graduating BizRams

The College of Business alumni network spans over 34,000 graduates, a few of whom recently shared their words of congratulations – and advice – with our 2020 graduating class.

See you in December!

Your commencement ceremony isn’t cancelled, merely postponed until fall. Make plans to return to campus in December and walk with your fellow BizRams!